He suffers from an accident and discovers after his visit that he has a malignant tumor on his head.


He did not think it would be the result

Drew Gunby he was 15 when he suffered a vehicle accident when I went in a vehicle in the United States. However, he never thought it would help or detect a malignant tumor in the brain.

He pulled from the back seat to the front window. In this car, he was only the one who had to go to the doctor. He received chin stitches and for him, it was the worst pain that occurred. After boiling the points, they performed a tomography.

There, they found a 5.5 cm tumor in the brain and spent two years there. "If I did not have this accident, the tumor would have evolved a long time without symptoms"said the young man.

He underwent the operation and everything went well. Now, with 21 years has confessed that he feels happy about what happened.



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