He Swallowed A Bag Of Marijuana To Avoid Being Arrested, Drowned And A Police Officer Saved His Life | the Chronicle


Ohio State Police Officer, United States, saved the life of a motorist who, to avoid a fine, swallowed a bag of marijuana which he took with him.

The episode took place on a highway in the aforementioned state, where the agent Charles Hoskin he was doing his vehicle checks, when he suddenly saw a car pass 150 kilometers an hour, well above the maximum speed allowed in the area, of 70 kilometers.

In the video registered police patrol car you can see the actions of the agent, who forced the driver of the vehicle to stop and He walked up to his window to issue a fine. It was then that the officer noticed that the subject was having difficulty speaking.

“Can you breathe?”Hoskin is heard saying, to which the other man responded with a “no” resounding, so he kept pushing him out of the car and started to press on her stomach to expel what was in her throat, by means of Heimlich maniobra.

The policeman, by helping the subject to expel the “bag” of
cannabis (video capture).

After a few seconds, the man finally managed to expel the object that was obstructing his throat, which was a bag containing 1 gram of marijuana, then apologize to the police for the situation caused.

Apparently the citizen received the corresponding fine for speeding and travel without the seat belt, as long as a citation for possession of marijuana.

The path is legal in the state of Ohio, having been decriminalized in the 1970s, and its medicinal use was approved in 2016, although its recreational use has not yet been approved.

Until, There are 36 states in the United States that have approved the cultivation and consumption of cannabis to some extent., of which 18 of them adhere only to medicinal use, while others 18 admit recreational use.

He tried to hide drugs by swallowing the bag and so the police saved his life


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