He swallowed a hearing aid while he was sleeping and started to hear sounds from his stomach


A man has fallen asleep with his wireless headphones. When he woke up, he realized that there was one missing. To find it, he used the search function of the device: It was in his stomach.

The gate Chinese press He reported that this person, nicknamed Xu, was the one who was found with an Apple AirPod inside. After finding him, he went to the hospital. There he was X-rayed and confirmed that it was in his digestive system.

The most insignificant thing: while I was still inside. He tried and could hear sounds coming out of his stomach.

The good news? When the helmet He came out of his body, cleaned it up and tried again: it was still working. The man has uploaded a photo of the camera, but we will not share it. It's too unpleasant.

We also believe that it would have been better to break it to avoid the temptation to put it back in the ear. Of course, this "unusual trip" testifies to the good quality of the device.


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