He taught his dog to imitate the daughter of “The Exorcist” – Viral


The animal, a 9 month old Finnish spitz, caused a sensation around the world for its ability to turn its head backwards.

The reaction, which he makes when his owner calls him “demon,” has generated a wave of memes and videos that his own owner posts on social media.

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Owner Ashleigh Macpherson, 28, said when people see the animal doing these gestures in public, they are surprised and ask how it is doing.

The dog was born a few days before the coronavirus quarantine in the ocean country.

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“Her company made me enjoy the time I spent in quarantine. She is very calm, tender, gentle and loving. She is also daring and playful,” said the woman. The sun.

And he said, “Finnish Spitz are known to be extremely expressive, Kiko has that trait, but usually it’s just to ‘talk to you’.

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Besides “Kiko”, who “likes to stretch her neck in strange poses”, the girl also owns another dog of the same breed named “Tofu”, aged one and a half, and “Kaya”, a White Shepherd. Swiss 5 years.

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