He told the police that he had been abducted: they raped her and killed her


Romania's indignation of police inefficiency in the crime committed against a child under 15, who has called 911 three times since his abductor's house.

The crime of a young woman kidnapped in Romania is shocking and unbecoming citizens with regard to the alleged culprit and the police, who received three calls from the girl denouncing her abduction and rape. It took 19 hours to find the place she was calling.

Romanian Interior Minister Nicolae Moga yesterday resigned after severe criticism over the lack of police response to calls for help from the child. Alexandra Macesanu, 15, was able to call the police on Thursday from the home of the alleged murderer, who was arrested a day later after the officers found their homes and found ashes and unidentified human remains. According to local press, the man raped his victim, dismembered him and burned his body.

Hundreds of people gathered during the weekend in Bucharest and in other cities to express their outrage at the Romanian police. The one who was arrested for the murder is a 65-year-old mechanic from the city of Caracal, in the southern Balkan country. He confessed on Sunday that he killed Macesanu and another 18-year-old missing in April. Both went to Caracal, in the south of the Balkan country, when they were arrested by the suspect, who asked to have bad and, by refusing them, he would have killed them.


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