He took a bullet from Malvinas and was fined


A Corrientes wanted to bring a "souvenir", found in a war camp, and was arrested at the airport. They punished him with nearly 50,000 pesos.

In the Falkland Islands, the British have a zero tolerance. And more if you are Argentinian. What is certain is that an Argentine lawyer has committed the crime of wanting to take the war ammunition found in the fields where our soldiers were facing the Europeans and was arrested by the authorities of the archipelago. To leave the islands, the Correntino had to pay nearly 50,000 pesos.

The Argentinean was identified as Daniel Sebastián Ujhelly, who went to the islands to participate in the Puerto Argentino marathon, the southernmost race in the world. During a visit to Mount Longdon, where the 1982 war unfolded, the lawyer found and stored ammunition from that time to bring "a memory" of something so sensitive to national history.

The authorities noted that the Correntino, from Curuzú Cuatiá, had in his suitcase a seven-millimeter cartridge for which he had been arrested. Members of the Legislature have declared Ujhelly guilty of a misconduct ruled by the 1987 Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance and fined £ 650 (over $ 850). US), as well as the cost of the Prosecutor's Office set at £ 150 (nearly US $ 200). "It was a very expensive bullet.They accused me of possession of war ammunition.The Islands Attorney performed well and declared that I was not dangerous," said Ujhelly.

"The law concerns all nationalities, British or Argentine," said Barry Elsby, British advisor for the Falklands. "It was not a mistake, he admitted to having collected these very old and possibly unstable balls and put them in a briefcase with which he had tried to catch the plane," he said. .


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