He took a picture of his daughter and a "long" surprise came from a tree | Chronic


Back to school always means that social networks will be flooded with pictures of children and young people with backpacks and smiles back to school. This was the example of the fact that happened with Brooke Mills, Grade 7 student in a school of Auburn, Alabama, United States.

However, his image has not gone unnoticed since he took a picture near a tree and was almost the victim of a dangerous attack from a snake that slipped and fell apart. look directly at the young woman.

If you look closely, you can see the reptile in the picture.

Brooke's mother says that she did not notice the reptile until the photo shoot had already begun. At that moment, he asked him to leave the tree immediately. "I said it calmly, but I'm sure my face said everything," recalled the girl's mother.

The pictures show that the reptile was watching the girl and it is possible that she is preparing to attack her.


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