He took care of a very sick baby and finally adopted him


A neo nurse took charge and the biological mother "gave it to her".

A nurse from Illinois adopted a baby that she had been feeding in a neonatal unit since the age of three days and had to undergo surgery for a serious heart condition. That's Angela Farnan, who took charge of the newborn Blaze, who is now almost two years old, when she arrived at the OSF Children's Hospital of Illinois with a hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a conbad anomaly in which part of the baby's heart is located. little or nothing developed.

After this first surgery, Blaze continued his internship (months later, they had to make another intervention). Her biological family did not live near the place where she was staying and had no financial resources. She gave the nurse a "short guardianship". She was therefore the adult responsible for the baby for the duration of her hospitalization.

Over the days, the woman and her husband became so attached to Blaze that when the time came to get closer to the medical discharge, the nurse began to suffer from the possibility of no longer having it with her.

"My husband and I fell in love with him, he is full of joy and his smile illuminates everything," said the nurse today, when she thought she would not be happy. more with the baby, received the request that changed his life: the biological family asked him to adopt it permanently. "We do not even look with my husband, nor do we need to argue with each other – we said 'absolutely'," Angela explained.

The nurse said that Blaze's mother feared to be considered a bad mother for "giving" her son. "I told her that she had just made a big decision as a mother and that there was no doubt that she loved Blaze," Angela said.


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