He took his son to the doctor more than 300 times for non-existent illnesses and was found in prison.


A woman was convicted of claiming that her son was suffering from a serious illness and to have gone through a series of unnecessary operations during the first eight years of his life. life. The incident occurred in the United States.. The father of the child had been alerted to what was happening with the child and justice has now proved him right.

Kaylene Bowen-Wright, 35, submitted his son Christopher Bowen, who is currently 10 years old, has undergone countless medical visits – the survey that was conducted was treated 323 times exactly – and was operated 13 times between 2009 and 2016. In addition, they put a food probe, used an oxygen device and sometimes even a wheelchair, according to media Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

A complaint from the child protection services revealed the actions of women. Everything has happened in different hospitals in Dallas and Houston. Faced with these irregularities, the father of the baby Ryan CrawfordTwo years ago, he also sued his ex-partner for custody of his child. In addition, he was still skeptical about his son's illness. Friday, October 11, 2019, the mother was sentenced to 6 years in prison After pleading guilty.

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Christopher Bowen, the youngest having undergone 13 useless operations. Photo courtesy of Dallas News

"She always said Christopher was sick. Every week, every month. He always said, "Something is wrong. He has that. He has that, "said the man to the aforementioned media once the sentence was known.The woman claimed that her son had cancer, a genetic disease and convulsions, among other ailments. took her further, cheating and organized a series of fundraising events and be able to treat the health of the child.

An important role in all this was the hospitals where they treated the boy. A doctor from the Children's Medical Center Dallas, called Suzanne Dakil, He testified at the trial and argued that the baby appeared to be in better health than his mother claimed and that unnecessary treatment had indeed resulted in medical complications.

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The minor consulted the doctor more than 300 times in the first 8 years of his life. Photo: Courtesy Daily Mail

Texas local media have associated this woman's behavior with the syndrome called Munchausen by powerin which one person falsifies another person's illness and seeks unnecessary treatment for it.

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Kaylene Bowen-Wright at the trial in which she was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Photo courtesy of Dallas News

Marc Feldman, a prominent member of the American Psychiatric Association, explained to the above-mentioned media his vision of the case: "The mother not only seeks attention and sympathy but also benefits from public authorities, disability support and medicines, tangible benefits as well as attention. "



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