He took the weapon of a student, took him in his arms and avoided a massacre – News


A physical education teacher was recognized for his heroic attitude when he took the weapon of a student, took him in his arms and thus avoided a massacre. at a school in Oregon, United States.

The event was held last May and caused a sensation in the North American country, but the images of the school's security cameras were known in the last few hours and once again focused on the episode .

In the video, you can see how a 19-year-old teacher, identified as Ángel Granados-Díaz, is hugged by the teacher who had previously removed a shotgun. It happened at Parkrose High School.

Thus, he passed the weapon to another staff member of the institution and hugged him emotionally until the police arrived.

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The professor, former American footballer Keanon Lowe, was widely recognized for his performances within the institution and security forces.

"It was the best scenario for this type of case. Staff members from all forces did a great job, "said Sgt. Brad Yakots of Portland Police. ABC News.

The young man apparently had a nervous breakdown and pleaded guilty to one charge of unlawful possession of a firearm in a public building and another to unlawful possession of a publicly loaded firearm. He was sentenced to three years of probation.

"We came to a situation where there was only me and this student. It was a very emotional moment. It was exciting for him and it was exciting for me. At that moment, I felt compassion for him. Many times, especially when you are young, you do not realize what you are doing until it ends, "explained the professor about the episode.

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