He took Viagra, suffered from an erection of one month and was found with the penis "mutilated" | Chronic


A 26 year old boy was helpless after being operated on for more than a month to reduce erection after taking viagra.

Nato Thind, from Hampshire, England, bought a blue pill as he had on other occasions. However, this time, her member never deflated and began to feel intense pain. It was like that for a month until it was inevitable to go to the emergency room.

Specialists have tried to fight against erection by different methods, such as taking medication or taking blood with syringes. As nothing worked, they opted for surgery and put a tube to drain the accumulated blood in his penis.

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The young man, however, denounces that after the return of his organ to his flaccid state, he realized that there was something that had failed: he could never again have # 39; erection.

Thind attributes the situation to medical malpractice by ensuring that doctors "They had no idea what they were doing." Apparently, the surgery affected the nerves of the penis.

"Now I have a mutilated penis, an insensitive acorn, it's impossible for me to have an erection or an orgasm", sorry, and describes other symptoms such as involuntary ejaculations or pain "insupportable".

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By the way, according to the British Association of Urologists, one in a thousand men who consume Viagra suffers from a similar problem: priapism, a prolonged and painful erection. When you reach the end of the surgery, one in ten men end up having difficulty getting an erection, a risk of the higher the erection is maintained for a long time.

Therefore, experts recommend not taking Viagra without medical supervision or in combination with other medications, let alone if, as is the case, you do not suffer from any type of dysfunction erectile because the risk of complications is higher. In addition, they say, you should go to the doctor immediately if something strange happens, such that the erection does not decrease after four hours.


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