He tortured his 7 children when they acted badly on YouTube


The children said the woman had taken them out of school to record the Fantastic Adventures series.

United States. An Arizona mother, who has on her YouTube Fantastic Adventures channel, more than 800,000 subscriptions was arrested for mistreatment and physical abuse towards her seven adopted children, which she forced Act.

Machelle Hackney, 48, was arrested after police officers from Maricopa County found children locked in cupboards, dehydrated and malnourished, as a result of sanctions imposed by women, including for having forgotten their dialogues . or do not act according to your instructions. The children told the police that they had been sprayed with pepper spray, beaten, forced to take an ice bath and that they had been locked in a closet for days without food, water or bath.

Hackney's biological daughter alerted the police, who found the children pale, underweight and dark circles. The children were thirsty and hungry. They said that Hackney sprayed them with pepper spray many times. The Ministry of Children's Services released seven children from Hackney Prison. When the police raided the house, they found two cans of pepper essence in the mother's room, a wardrobe with a security lock and a room without a window.

The kids said the woman had taken them out of school to record the series "Fantastic Adventures," aired on her YouTube channel. Some videos contain millions of reproductions. The children said that they had not been to school for years. One of the children reported that on one occasion the woman had put pepper spray on her private parts and that she had been suffering for four to five days.

800,000 subscriptions on your channel

Machelle Hackney is very popular on the web because of its Youtube channel called Fantastic Adventures. In them, he played his children.


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