He Traveled To Afghanistan On Vacation And Now He’s Stranded In The Middle Of The Conflict: Miles Routledge’s Dramatic Story The ‘Tourist Disaster’ | the Chronicle


A 22-year-old British student said on his social media he was trapped in Kabul after flying to Afghanistan on vacation on Friday the 13th. This is Miles Routledge the “Tourist disaster” and a Loughborough University physics student who came to this country from Turkey is now stranded amid brutal internal conflict, As reported Europe News.

Although the British Foreign Office advised him not to visit the country, the young man booked the trip in May 2021. However, Routledge found that he could not reimburse his trip, so he decided to take the flight as planned, believing he could leave before the Taliban took Kabul..

Thousands beside the tanks of war.

The Taliban offensive struck earlier than expected and Kabul fell to the insurgent group on August 15. In that sense, Routledge found out yesterday that he couldn’t leave town and posted on Facebook that he was in a “small fix”.

In a social media post, Routledge said: “I tried too hard to hedge and something didn’t go well resulting in this situation. They didn’t convince me otherwise and I knew the risks, it was a bet I made and that went wrong despite my safety and my jokes “.

A few days ago, US officials predicted that it would take the Taliban around 30 days to enter Kabul and at least 90 days to capture the city. But Kabul fell to the military group yesterday, and flights out of the city for civilians have been suspended until further notice.

Routledge, known as Lord Miles on the internet, explained why he decided to make the trip: “I thought about the funniest country I could go to and it’s not boring ie it has some excitement and it’s different. I don’t want to go to London , not even in Spain “said the young man who was planning to return on August 19.

In addition, he added: “I wentogle the ten most dangerous countries in the world and used them as a shopping list. At the top was Afghanistan. I messaged some people, watched YouTube videos and j ‘thought there was no problem doing it. I thought since the UK and the US are still around it must be pretty safe. “I thought to myself,’ fooling around in Afghanistan … looks good! ‘”joked the British citizen now stranded in that country amid a terrible internal conflict.

Live, Routledge said he doesn’t regret his trip so far and that “I would do it again”. “I like risk, I’m a banker, so that makes sense.”he told the newspaper New York time, physics student and finance scholar for the summer.

“I hate lying on a beach, so I wanted to do something a little different. After I graduate, I’ll have a full-time job and maybe a family, so I won’t be there anymore. ‘opportunity to do things like that. “

The young student carrying a combat missile in Afghanistan.

However, recent social media posts have shown that the student now feels less positive. “It’s hard for me to stand and swallow water, I don’t think I’m going to sleep tonight.”Routledge wrote on Facebook and regretted seeing “Too many deaths”. “I just wanted it to be a little charity where I could explore a strange land, but I fell apart mentally.”, he claimed.

Currently, Routledge is believed to be in a UN shelter in Kabul with 50 other foreign nationals. Apparently the place is occupied by Turkish and British soldiers.

Routledge contacted the British Embassy and government officials for assistance, but could not reach anyone. The UK Foreign Office has yet to answer our questions in this regard.

Your university also provides support. In a statement to Euronews Travel, a spokesperson for Loughborough University said: “We are aware of information that one of our students is currently in Afghanistan. “We are in contact with the student and have offered our support and we continue to monitor the situation closely”, he finished.

This isn’t the first time Routledge has been to a dangerous place. He had visited Chernobyl before in 2019, boasting online that he bribed a security guard to allow him to keep a gas mask he had stolen. He claims he subsequently sold the item on the Internet for more than the cost of his trip. Quite a character.


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