He used drugs for 19 years, quit three years ago and showed the results


February 28, 2021 7:20 PM

After three years without use, a woman decided to share what her life was like when she was addicted to drugs and used crack and heroin.

He used hard drugs for 19 years, quit three years ago and showed the results: "Today I have inner peace"
He used hard drugs for 19 years, quit three years ago and showed the results: “Today I have inner peace”

Madison McManus, 28, from New Jersey, decided to say she was a former crack and heroin addict. Due to his addiction he had to go through 19 overdose. Currently sHe has been drug free for three years.

I started to get high at 15, while he was going through adolescence. During this period, her boyfriend negatively influenced her to get her into the drug business, but finally He decided to turn around and change his life. “When I was only 15, I started using crack and heroin,” says the woman. “I was in my first rehab at 15, dragging my family through my addiction and hurting them and others left and right,” he added.

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He used hard drugs for 19 years, quit three years ago and showed the results: "Today I have inner peace"
He used hard drugs for 19 years, quit three years ago and showed the results: “Today I have inner peace”

In addition, she had a daughter at 18, but unfortunately had to give up on her due to her addiction. After losing custody, the young woman He spent 6 years walking the streets, dropping out of school and with a totally out of control addiction. “I couldn’t stop using,” he says. Currently he finds it difficult to regain possession of his child.

His life seriously deteriorated, hitting rock bottom in front of arrested several times for drug possession and theft. Subsequently, a Rehabilitation treatment to put an end to drug addiction and progress.

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Luckily, She has been sober for three years and works with others who struggle with addictions. “I have women who I show my healing path,” he said. “I have a doctor to work with on my trauma, I respect myself, and most importantly, I have a solution that words cannot describe how grateful I am.”

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