He used his cell phone when he charged gasoline and started a fire – News


The man, a suspected official, got out of the vehicle and stood next to the gas tank, while handling his cell phone. It was then that the fire surprised him.

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Noticing that the pipe was on fire, the driver quickly removed it from the tank, causing the engine flare to spread.

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Fortunately, the firefighters intervened immediately and managed to extinguish the fire. The car was then removed from the pumps to avoid a major accident.

Neither the driver nor the dispatchers were injured, but the vehicle was completely taken out of service. It was a white Chevrolet RAM 700 truck bearing the state government shield.

Why can a cell phone start a fire?

The reason is in the static energy and the gases that emanate at the time of the fuel charges. When it comes into contact, a flash is created, which is why it even reminds us that it is advisable to use cotton clothes when dressing and not to get out of the vehicle, because it also generates light. ‘energy.


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