He walked distractedly with his mobile phone, fell into a well and lost consciousness | Chronic


Two months ago, a platform collapsed in Abancay, Apurímac, near the inflated Mariño River. For this reason, the road was closed to avoid hurting someone.

However, a man in his thirties fell into the huge crack that was forming on Enrique Pelach Road. Apparently, the subject was distracted, looking at his mobile phone.

The hole where the subject fell. (TV Capture)

A neighbor avoided approaching, thinking that she had lost her life, but the victim managed to ask for help.

In the absence of a stretcher, the police had to transport the wounded to the patrol car, with which he was taken to the regional hospital Guillermo Diaz de la Vega, according to the site. ojo.pe.

The fall could be fatal. (TV Capture)

The population indicated that the authorities were committed to repairing the road, but nothing has been done to remedy it.


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