He walked on the beach and found a fish with human teeth | Chronic


Maleah BurrowsAged 31, he was on the island of St. Simon in Georgia, United States, when he discovered the lifeless body of a fish in the sand. But it was enough to shorten the physical distance to realize that it was a particular species, which had "human teeth".

"We were walking along the beach and we saw in the distance that something had been dragged along the coast, it caught our attention," the woman recounted her striking discovery.

"Initially, I thought it was an old and simple fish, nothing exciting, but I wanted to show my three year old son, and when we got closer, I saw all the teeth and I was surprised to have never seen anything like it before ", added the lady.

However, this type of fish does not correspond to a strange mutation or an unknown animal, but rather to a species called Sargo Chopa, common in the seas of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. These animals can measure up to 90 centimeters using their strange teeth to crush their food, such as shrimp, clams, crabs and mussels.

In the United States, it is also called "sheep's head" and specimens of this type have been found in areas of the Atlantic coast.


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