He wanted to recreate the resurrection of Christ and was buried alive for three days but there was no miracle


Faith can move mountains, but it seems to be complicated by the question of the resurrection. At least in the case of a pastor of a Christian church in Zambia, who believed he could come back from the dead imitating the “resurrection of Christ”. But there was no miracle.

Pastor James Sakara, who was only 22, was found dead after asking to be buried alive so that he could come back to life in three days, like Jesus.

But good old Sakara seems to have forgotten some basic biology lessons. Be too strong, the pastor of the Church of Zion in the Zambian town of Chidiza managed to convince his congregation that he can come back to life after three days, as the Son of God.

The great power of persuasion evident of the young man got three members of his church to help him dig a grave shallow, tying his hands and burying him alive.

But instead of coming back to life after three days, Sakara was found dead by Church members in Zion curious to see why their leader broke his promise.

Seeing the lifeless body of their leader, some church members attempted a series of “spiritual exercises” to resuscitate him, But it was in vain.

Trying to explain his decision to his flock, the young shepherd, who he was also a practitioner of traditional medicine, quoted from scriptures to explain that on the eve of his assassination by Roman soldiers, “Jesus’ words to his disciples – ‘do this in remembrance of me’ – referred to the resurrection and not just to drinking wine and to crush unleavened bread ”.

But most of his congregation were reluctant to let him continue his “operation,” let alone help him, but eventually three men showed up to help the pastor bury him. The three men are wanted by the police.

James Sakara left behind a young pregnant woman and many confused parishioners.

Source: Odditycentral


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