He was beheaded by his brother and cousins ​​for being gay


A 20-year-old has been beheaded by his half-brother and cousins ​​for being gay. Alireza Fazeli Monfared He was deceived by his relatives and got into a car under the pretext that his father wanted to see him. Once in the vehicle, he was taken to a village in the interior of Iran and brutally murdered there.

The half-brother and the two cousins ​​accused the young gay man of being a “shame” and a “shame” to the family simply because of his sexual orientation. Alireza’s body was found under a palm tree in the village of Borumi, near the town of Ahvaz. The three murderers were arrested by local police.

The victim’s mother and father were shocked when they were told what had happened and had to be hospitalized.

The young man was 20 years old and was beheaded.

The young man was 20 years old and was beheaded.

Alireza’s half-brother and cousins ​​confirmed the young man’s homosexuality by receiving a letter from the Iranian conscription office. There it was detailed that Alireza was exempt from compulsory two-year military service due to “Moral and sexual depravities such as transsexuality”.

From that point on, they planned the brutal crime they committed on May 4th. “There was no news from him until Wednesday, when Alireza’s half-brother called his mother and told her: ‘We liquidated him. “In other words, he confessed to Alireza’s murder. His mother was hospitalized due to shock.” Said Aghil Abyat, a friend of the beheaded man.

Alireza Fazeli Monfared wanted to flee Iran to Turkey.

Alireza Fazeli Monfared wanted to flee Iran to Turkey.

The murder of the young man was confirmed by the Iranian lesbian and transgender network, 6Rang (Six Colors).

Ali lived in Khuzestan with his family, and after arriving home, his half-brother told him that his father wanted to see him and took him in the car to Borumi, where he was brutally murdered during the night. His body was found a day later, under palm trees.

Aghil Abyat, a friend of the victim, said Ali’s intention was to sell his cell phone and travel to Turkey, seek asylum in Europe and start a new life away from your family.

The young man was brutally beaten and beheaded.

The young man was brutally beaten and beheaded.

In Iran, homosexual or transgender people are exempt from military service. But, according to 6Rang, medical exception laws do not guarantee that this data will not be used in the future. It’s a big deal for gays, lesbians, and trans people.

Homosexuality in Iran

Since the Iranian revolution of 1979, the penal code has been based on a conservative interpretation of Islamic laws (sharia). All sexual relations that occur outside of traditional heterosexual marriage (sodomy or adultery) are illegal and no law protects such a relationship, consensual or not.

Homosexual relations maintained in private by two consenting adults are strictly prohibited and they are punished with the death penalty.

In Iran, sodomy is a crime. If the people punished are adults (over 15 years old) and sane to be able to consent, the mode of execution is left to the Sharia judge.

A minor (under 15) who consents to a sodomy relationship is sentenced to 74 lashes. Sodomy is proven if a person confesses to having committed sodomy four times or by the testimony of four straight men.

Retrograde countries

Having sex with a person of the same sex is classified as a crime punishable by the death penalty in a dozen countries. Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Brunei, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Pakistan and Yemen they envisage in their penal code the death penalty for having had sexual relations with a person of the same sex, published by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Association (ILGA).

In addition to the death penalty, out of the 193 countries that make up the UN, 68 of them explicitly prohibit homosexual relations. This figure means that in more than a third of states around the world, consensual same-sex acts are illegal.

Most of them are found in Africa and Asia and the penalties range from financial fines, jail time, corporal punishment such as a certain number of lashes or batons, to death. In Yemen, the penal code provides for a sentence of 100 lashes for those who have sex with people of the same sex. In some Caribbean countries, such as Jamaica and Saint Kitts and Nevis, the penalty for men is the obligation to do forced labor.


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