He was blind with one eye for not having removed his contact lenses for showering


A British journalist lost sight of one of his eyes because of a parasite, after that he bathed with contact lenses. It is about Nick Humphreys, 29 years old, from the city of Shrewsbury, England.

Nick had been using glbades since his childhood, but when he started to exercise, he decided switch by contact lenses. But he rarely paid attention to advice that they gave him about his use. Among the things I did not have to do, there was a shower with my glbades. Over time, he began to notice that it was difficult for him to see well with his right eye. Without consulting the eye doctor, he decided to buy a Ophthalmic drops over-the-counter, but instead of improving, he lost even more vision.

When he finally consulted a specialist, he was found infected keratitis, caused by the acanthamoeba amoeba. This parasite gets lodged in the eye from small lesions caused by contact lenses. "I went to the gym every other day and played football three times a week to stay at home for six months and lose the will live, "he told local media.

Last September, Nick received a transplant amniotic membrane on your right cornea at Birmingham Eye Center and West Midland. However, the young man still do not recover totally. He is currently waiting for a corneal transplant.

"Honestly, I can say that if I had the slightest idea that it was a distant possibility, I would never have used contact lenses.C & # 39; ;is crucial that people know that this can happen and that it can happen for something as simple as taking a shower, "he concluded.

He completely lost the vision of his right eye (Photo: Nick Humphreys Facebook).
He completely lost the vision of his right eye (Photo: Nick Humphreys Facebook).

Threat on the rise

According to American Academy of Ophthalmology, the appearance of Acanthamoeba keratitis as a serious pathogen coincided with the expansion of the use of soft contact lenses in the 1980s. Poor lens hygiene, water use of type to clean or store contact lenses, or contamination of lenses with water sinks, increase the risk d & # 39; infection.

How to prevent?

– It is not recommended to wear contact lenses for several hours at a time.

– You should not sleep with them.

– You should never swim with the glbades.

– Contact lenses must be disinfected to prevent the accumulation of harmful organisms.

– Lenses should never be left in a glbad of water.

– It is essential to exercise caution when placing or removing lenses.


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