He was born a man, he became a woman and ten years later he decided to become a man again.


His name is Martin Föhse, but for 10 years, his name was Kathrin Föhse. He was born in Switzerland as a man, 43 years ago. she became a woman before the age of 30 and after a decade, decided to return to the masculine gender.

Martin Föhse has joined the Federal Office of Energy in his country, where he now works under the name of Kathrin Föhse. I had lived almost ten years as a woman and everyone did not know his past until 2008 when he decided to change his name and bad. The law professor from the University of St. Gallen reminded that during this decade support for your private environment It was fundamental.

Kathrin Föhse knew how difficult it was for a woman to fight in a workplace dominated by men.
Kathrin Föhse knew how difficult it was for a woman to fight in a workplace dominated by men.

But in 2017, Kathrin He decided to return to his life as Martin. Having lived the experience, his conclusion in an interview that he gave to Prism was: "To be a woman for a moment would be good for some men."

"The world of women is a completely different cosmos, and what I felt as a woman is that you have to work harder and point it out, "he added.

Martin Föhse's program at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he teaches administrative and constitutional law.
Martin Föhse's program at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he teaches administrative and constitutional law.

Martin stated that when he was Kathrin, he was looking for a job and found fewer opportunities. With her feminine identity she started working at the Federal Office of Energy. After a year, she became head of section. Two months later, the Fukushima disaster occurred and Föhse unexpectedly appeared as a exceptional lawyer in the largest federal government legislative project dominated mainly by men.

Martin Föhse is an academic lawyer and prestigious expert in the field of energy.
Martin Föhse is an academic lawyer and prestigious expert in the field of energy.

However, the labor problems began to put pressure on her. For Martin – he told himself – to be Kathrin Required a greater demand than that of another woman since he had to do exercises with his voice, take hormones, practice postures. This led him to want to find his masculine identity.

"It feels good to be Martin Föhse again." The last ten years have been very rewarding and enjoyable for me. A beautiful experience that I do not want to lose. I say this knowing that we tend to do the best things in hindsight, "Martin told the newspaper. Der Bund.


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