He was born in Rosario, is 12 years old and is considered “one of the brightest young people in the world” | the Chronicle


Joaquín Tenaglia Canut was honored as “one of the brightest students in the world” by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gifted Youth. Although this institution published that the boy was from Tullahoma, Tennessee, he was actually born in Rosario 12 years ago.

It all started when Joaquin was three years old and his family had to move to Pompano Beach, Florida for a job opportunity. A few months after moving there, his parents noticed that the boy spoke perfect english and what he had learned from the cartoon shows he watched on television.

Another detail struck his family: from an early age, he had ease with numbers and showed great skills with mathematics.

When he was in third grade, Joaquín took the tests that American districts give to each of his students at the beginning of the year, in the middle and at the end. The boy was in the 99th percentile and he stood out in the top 1% in the country.

This is how they tested it in other areas and skills. And the result is stunning: a specialist confirmed he was gifted.

Joaquín has been recognized two years in a row as “one of the brightest young people in the world”.

He was admitted to the Johns Hopkins University Talent Program in 2019, after moving with his family to Tullahoma. This study center offers gifted children the opportunity to take exams of greater difficulty.

In these events, Joaquín obtained in 2020 and 2021 the mention very good, which only reaches 20 percent of successful youth. 19,000 students considered gifted took part, coming from 84 different countries.

In addition, he received the Gold Presidential Award for Academic Excellence, awarded by the then president. Donald trump.

His family is convinced that Joaquín has no trait that would lock him into the stereotype of “one of the brightest young people in the world”. Even he himself is not quite comfortable with this title. At school, he is sociable, plays football and plays the trombone. When he has free time, he enjoys playing Xbox, watching YouTube, and escaping into the office.

When asked in a report to Infobae that he would like to be when he grows up, the boy admitted to not being sure, although “maybe something to do with math and NASA”. And in complete safety: “What I want to do as a hobby is be a youtuber. Play video games, make videos, things like that.”.

Joaquín plays football and picks up the trombone at school.


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