He was born with inverted legs, underwent two surgeries and amputation. He was able to walk


Victoria Komada (3) was born with a conbad problem, called bilateral tibial hemimelia, which means that babies have poorly formed legs and do not have a few bones. In the case of the small, both lower limbs were upside down. Thanks to two surgeries and an amputation, he was able to take his first steps.

At first, in Poland, doctors told him that the only way to remedy this situation was a double amputation. However, the parents were not satisfied with this prognosis, so they looked for a second diagnosis.

So, they found a doctor in Florida, United States, who could help her daughter more satisfactorily, without having to lose both lower extremities.

Thanks to the solidarity of the people, thanks to donations, they managed to raise $ 234,000 so that little Victoria could submit to two complete surgical procedures.

At the end of 9 months, the surgeons saved one of his legs and amputated the other so that he could walk, as he had published. TN.

"I had a lot of pain all day, it was horrible," said his mother, Marzena Drusewicz, to foreign media.

He also said: "Every week he was better and now he is not doing anything anymore, he can walk normally and we can start a new life at home."

"We were so happy when he took his first steps that we started to cry," he recalls.

The girl has a prosthesis on the right side while her left end was perfectly corrected. After the surgery, Victoria had to face several months of rehabilitation.

Now you can run, play sports and live like a 3 year old girl. "We are complying with everything we have decided to do and he has had a remarkable result," his mother concluded.


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