He was born with more than 7 pounds, was the biggest baby in New Jersey and now surprises with his size – 04/04/2019


It was in 1983 in New Jersey, United States. Patricia Clark, 24, was pregnant with her second child, and since everyone in her family had a large building, she knew her height was going to be unusual. April 8 Kevin Robert Clark came to the world with more than 7 kilos , thus becoming the largest baby born in the state.

Patricia gave birth at Community Memorial Hospital and the doctors told her that they had never seen anything like it until she was surprised. Although it does not fit into a standard cradle and the clothes are too small, new parents are relieved to learn that was born healthy, told the New York Post.

Patricia Clark had Kevin at age 24 (video: New York Post).

Patricia Clark had Kevin at age 24 (video: New York Post).

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Over the years, Kevin has grown faster and faster. At age 12, he was over 1.50 meters tall and reached 1.80 meters in his teens.

He is now 35 years old and it measures a little over 2 meters. Despite the physical and social challenges badociated with being incredibly tall and tall, he says handle it with humor: "It does not happen a day without someone asking me what is my size." When people ask me if I play basketball, I ask them if they play miniature golf. "

Today, Kevin Robert Clark is 35 years old and measures just over 2 meters (video: New York Post).

Today, Kevin Robert Clark is 35 years old and measures just over 2 meters (video: New York Post).

Kevin is usually bigger than door openings (video: New York Post).

Kevin is usually bigger than door openings (video: New York Post).

Kevin did his military service. He lives with his Great Dane dog and his wife, who is 6 feet tall. Do not forget that when he was younger than the National Football League (NFL), they had offered to work for the New York Giants.

To this day, one of her biggest challenges is finding clothes and shoes that fit her size. In adolescence, he grew up so fast that he always needed new clothes and many saw him as a future in basketball, even if he did not care.

"We always expected that I play basketball because it was very high, I had a conversation with my high school teacher, who was also a coach and he was says: "If you want to succeed in physical education, you will have to play basketball at school," he said.

Kevin Robert Clark was born on April 8, 1983 (video: New York Post).

Kevin Robert Clark was born on April 8, 1983 (video: New York Post).

Kevin has to bend down to bathe because he does not put himself in the shower (Video: New York Post).

Kevin has to bend down to bathe because he does not put himself in the shower (Video: New York Post).

And he continued: "He said that jokingly, but it was true, it was a small school and they needed me to play, but it was never my pbadion and I did not Was not really good at that. "

Kevin commented on his story after the birth of a baby named Harper Buckley in New York last week. The little girl was born by cesarean almost 7 kilos and three doctors were needed at the time of delivery.

When asked if he had any advice for Harper, the man replied that maybe when the baby was fat, he would be ashamed of his size: "I would only say: be yourself and take it with humor."



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