He was born without eyes and now they are looking to adopt him | Chronic


A baby without eyes was abandoned by his mother in the Russian city of Tomks and the nurses of the medical center where he is admitted take care of him day and night.

As we had learned, the woman who had grown up in an orphanage had already decided, before giving birth, that it was better for another person to take care of her because she did not have the financial resources necessary to do it.

The guardian of Alexander K, better known as Sashahe assured "It's no different from other kids." "Play and mice like any other healthy baby." He likes to play and loves to swim, he's very playful. "

"Sasha is a unique baby, because most children born with this disease also suffer from many other ailments."he said.

The nurse who takes care of Sasha.

In his case, he has two benign cysts on the forehead that will soon be removed.It is thought that he will suffer in his extreme form from the rare syndrome of SOX2 anopthalmia, which affects one in 250,000 boys. Russians say that Sasha is one of only two of the only three babies registered in the world without an eye "he added.

The child on your adoption form is described as "Peaceful and smiling, he makes the smile as soon as he hears familiar voices".

The baby was implanted with temporary eyes.

The authorities are trying to "locate" Sasha with a Russian father, although until now none of those who came, has been approved. Now, they will open this option to foreigners, although it is almost excluded that they end up living in the United States because of the number of restrictions that exist in such cases.

The doctor Tatiana Rudnikovich assured that Sasha "He passes all the regular tests and checks like any other baby of his age, he is fine." However, doctors think that at the moment "there is no possibility" that Sasha can see.

In recent days, it turned out that one of the women who usually cares for the child took him to St. Petersburg, where surgeons implanted small temporary eyes to make sure his face was not damaged. does not deform while growing up.

In addition, it appeared that he would need these operations every six months or so, each time with larger eyes.


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