He was bullied for his weight, he lost 62 kilos and showed the results – 25/04/2019


Josephine Desgrand (19 years old) weighed 122 pounds before finishing high school and his clbadmates still harbaded him for his physical appearance. Constant abuse was a trigger for lifestyle change: improving eating habits and displaying the result in social networks.

In 2016, at the age of 16, the Australian girl tried several times to follow a strict diet, but it did not work. Annoyed by the constant frustration and harbadment of her colleagues, she had a habit of falling back on junk food, Bored Panda reported.

Josephine Desgrand is now 18, she has finished (Instagram).

Josephine Desgrand is now 18, she has finished (Instagram).

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Networks of the planet | We tell you what were the most shared stories on Facebook and what were the trends on Twitter and Instagram. "Src =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/11/12/Pf6HSAQVY_290x140__1.jpg

Networks of the planet | We tell you what are the most shared stories on Facebook and what trends have been followed on Twitter and Instagram.

Every week.

But one day he stood firm. "I went back to my room, put on some underwear and said to myself," I do not want to be big Josie anymore "(as she was told who was bothering her). used a meter and noted my measurements.I was excited, "he recalls.

From that moment, Josephine started very far from the carbohydrates and sugar. In addition, water consumption has increased significantly. "I knew I had a long way to go, I set small goals and recorded my progress," he said.

In 11 months, he lost 62 kilos (Instagram).

In 11 months, he lost 62 kilos (Instagram).

Josephine started a long road without carbs and sugar (Instagram).

Josephine started a long road without carbs and sugar (Instagram).

In addition, he enrolled at a gym and began photographing each breakthrough since the start of the diet. These images he later uploaded to Instagram to show the before and the after.

In 11 months, he lost 62 kilos. As a well-known influencer, who already has more than 130,000 followers, she is dedicated to supporting people who suffer from a reality similar to what she experienced: "I want to help as many people as possible. Thanks to the support I receive on the networks, I have never thought of leaving my path. "

He enrolled at a gym and started photographing each preview since the start of the diet (Instagram).

He enrolled at a gym and started photographing each preview since the start of the diet (Instagram).

It already has more than 130,000 followers (Instagram).

It already has more than 130,000 followers (Instagram).

He continued, "It's not just about achieving a healthier lifestyle, but with that, I gained a confidence that I did not know I could have. the important thing is to be the best version of yourself"

In an article on Instagram, published in early April, Josephine told her debut. He said his ideal was to look like the successful model Gigi Hadid, to buy clothes from "cool" brands and to wear a bikini. "I despised my body and just wanted to change, but now I understand the concept of" treat your body like a temple. "I really started to like my body and, instead of being my enemy, I treated it as my best friend, eating nutritious things and training," he explained. .

The young woman advised to listen to the body and to show kindness because "we have one". In that sense, she claimed that everyone deserves to be happy like her.

The text published by Josephine Desgrand (Instagram).

The text published by Josephine Desgrand (Instagram).


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