he was eating a burger and he found a finger


In her account on social networks, the young woman assured that after the disaster the employees of the restaurant branch closed the premises and turned everything off. After the episode, they reopened “as if nothing had happened”. “To make matters worse, they told us they were going to give back our money, it’s as if nothing had happened,” he said indignantly.

Benítez assured that his sister had reported the incident to the authorities, who confirmed that the finger in question was of human origin and then closed the premises.

The authorities’ response

It has been verified that the burger was sold at this establishment and that this burger had the remainder of a finger possibly from a worker who lost two fingers last Friday.“, explained the Deputy Minister of Defense to the consumer, Jorge Silva. Everything indicates that one of the workers who was in charge of mincing the meat made a movement while the machine was turned off, which caused the mincer to cut off two fingers.

The worker was transferred to a private hospital. According to the restaurant’s version, this batch was scrapped, the deputy minister said. The location where the finger was found has been closed and the office of the Customer and Consumer Service Center in that city will be carrying out checks at the other branches, Silva said.

The public prosecutor has opened ex officio proceedings for harm to public health in order to investigate this fact.

What did hot burguer say

For its part, Hot Burger posted a statement on their social media. “Faced with a fortuitous incident with one of our employees, the company immediately activated all emergency protocols, giving priority at all times to the health of the worker, who is already in the recovery phase.“, they said.


Likewise, an internal investigation protocol was immediately activated to establish how an element foreign to our product reached one of the branches of our chain.“, they wrote.

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