He was filmed eating onion, garlic and lemon to demonstrate symptoms of coronavirus | the Chronicle


A Tik Tok user wanted to demonstrate how the symptoms of the coronavirus are felt by the loss of taste and smell in people.

For this, the man cut a purple onion in half, took a bite, and ensured that he did not smell anything, nor could he taste anything. The same happened later when he took a glass of canned lemon juice and later when he ate a potent garlic paste.

Videos uploaded by Russell donnelly They have reached almost 14 million views and in them it shows that it has completely lost the smell and taste, without having any other symptoms of coronavirus.

“I’m positive for Covid and I’m going to eat nasty things to show that I don’t like it. First an onion, nothing. A glass of lemon juice, nothing. Finally garlic paste, that must bother . Nothing.”Russell voiced it in the video.

Anosmia manifests itself in the initial phase of infection and lasts for weeks. Patients with it are 10 times less likely to worsen the disease or need to be hospitalized, according to a study from the University of California. This usually happens in young patients, who may also have other symptoms.

Other young people had also already recorded for Tik Tok. For example, Shannon Roche, a 25-year-old from Orlando, Florida, USA, who tested positive and found out she had Covid-19 after biting into a potato chip with sour cream and onion . The woman pointed out that “it tasted nothing” and said that later she went to the bathroom and sprayed her body with her favorite scent, “and she couldn’t smell it either,” said she told the New York Post.


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