He was in a coma for 10 days and had lost his limbs because of a bacteria in his dog's saliva.


A woman thought she had the flu and had been in a coma for 10 days and her limbs had been amputated by a bacteria in her dog's saliva.

The incident occurred in Ohio, United States, when Marie Trainer returned from her vacation to the Dominican Republic and her pets greeted her by licking her from all over. A few days later, Marie began to feel bad.

He had back pain and nausea. His body temperature has reached almost 39 degrees.

Hospitalized Mary spent 10 days in a coma for a virus that her dog had.

Doctors initially thought that he was suffering from a Caribbean disease, but this photo triggered sepsis. "In the days and weeks that followed, we learned that the infection had damaged the muscles too much and that the decrease in blood flow would cause the amputation of their legs, their hands and most of the of their arms, "said the family.

The woman had a rare infection caused by the bacterium capnocytophaga canimorsus, which had entered her body through an open wound.

One of Marie's pets trainer.

"The bacterium is found in the oral flora or in the mouth of a dog and can be transmitted by a bite or sometimes simply by contact with saliva," explained the doctor specializing in infectious diseases of the Aultman Hospital, Margaret Kobe. He explained to Fox 8 News.

"When I opened my eyes, I did not know where I was … It was very hard to discover that they had to pull my arms and legs … very difficult to manipulate, "said the woman at Fox 8 News.

The family is asking for help to cover her medical expenses and to provide Marie with a good quality of life.


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