He was looking for his missing son and found his head in a suitcase | the Chronicle


The father of a young man missing in Brazil for three weeks he was the protagonist of a dramatic situation. Did he find the your child’s head in a suitcase that was floating in the Itajaí-Açu river in Rio do Sul, in the Santa Catarina Valley, Monday May 24. Until, there are no prisoners for the crime.

The remains belong to Renan Kalbuch, 21 years old. The face was overcooked by Ronaldo kalbuch, its parent, but the General Institute of Expertise (IGP) continue to run tests to confirm your identity. According to Larissa Kalbusch, sister of the murdered young man, In addition to the head, in the suitcase there were other members of the mutilated corpse.

“It was quite shocking to find a son like that, but at least we can have the funeral he deserves”, said Ronaldo Kalbuch, the young man’s father.

The delegate responsible for the investigation of the case, Tiago Cardoso, awaits the results of the expertises which can confirm the identity and indicate whether the young man died as a result of the dismemberment or if he was already lifeless during his dismemberment.

The suspects of the crime, the location where the mutilation took place and the motivation have not yet been revealed. “His father found the head. We are working on the case “the delegate reported without giving further details.

The General Institute of Forensic Science (IGP) said confirming the identity of the young man should take time, as more detailed studies will need to be done to determine whether all of the limbs found so far are from the same victim. A DNA test will be performed, according to the agency.

The young man’s first limb, a leg, was located in the same river by a fisherman on May 12. In searches carried out by firefighters, no trace was found during the search of the same place.

The father, according to surveys, is the one who found other parts of his son’s body. The location where the members were found has not been revealed. According to the delegate, the police asked the firefighters to return to the scene to try to locate the arms and abdomen.

According to local police, the young man was last seen on May 4 in the area of ​​the city bus station, in the district of Canta Galo. A security camera from an establishment filmed the boy walking unaccompanied by the scene, according to investigations.

The young man was last seen on May 4 in the city’s bus station area.

The boy’s father recorded the disappearance, but the first clues about her son’s whereabouts did not appear until nine days later, on May 12, when a fisherman found a leg in the Itajaí-Açu River.. Due to the tattoo, the parent recognized the member. The civilian police then opened an investigation and the firefighters were called to carry out a search.

Firefighters reported searching a radius of 500 meters above and below the area, where they found the first part of the boy’s leg, but at that time found nothing.

Ronaldo kalbuch, the father, continued to search the banks of the river for several days and it was he who found the suitcase.


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