He was looking for worms and found a 488 million year old fossil – News


Siddak Singh Jhamat, 6, found the fossil which could date back to around 488 million years ago in the garden of his home in the UK town of Walsall, he reported. The Guardian.

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“I was looking for worms and things like pottery and bricks and I came across this rock that looked a bit like a horn, and I thought maybe it was a tooth or a claw or a horn, but it was actually a piece of coral called “coral coral”, “the miner revealed.

The boy’s father, Vish Singh, said his son discovered the coral with smaller pieces, and the next day he went to dig again, locating a frozen block of sand: “There were a lot of small mollusks and seashells. , and something called a “crinoid,” something like a squid tentacle, “he recalls.

Photograph: Vish Singh / PA

Singh posted the article to a group of fossil explorers on Facebook, where he was ultimately identified. The community has established that it is probably a rough coral, which may be between 251 and 488 million years old. It belongs to an extinct group of tetracoral anthozoa.

Additionally, Singh revealed to UK media that he would like to present the find to the University of Birmingham Geology Museum for related studies.


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