He was overthrown in front of La Barraca and fights for his life at the Central Hospital


A 29-year-old man was overthrown in Guaymallén and is in serious condition at the Central Hospital .

The incident occurred around 1 pm this Saturday in the Acceso Sur, in front of the La Barraca shopping center, when a 37-year-old woman aboard Honda Civic crushed the young man.

According to police information, the driver was driving on the aforementioned road from north to south, in the fast lane, when she arrived at the height of La Barraca she noticed the presence of a pedestrian in the middle of the two lanes that apparently he would have returned in search of something that fell, causing the collision.

A few minutes later, the man was transferred by the SEC with severe trauma to the central hospital.

Tax Office No. 8 of the 25th Police Station intervened.

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