He was parked badly, he was fined and someone left him an incredible poster (with money)


Imagine that you agree offense they leave you the ticket on the windshield and someone who pbades decides to write you a word and place money to pay for it. That's what happened in Oklahoma, United States.

The Huffpost portal has told the story of this person, who shared it on the Reddit social network under his "/ suchgarbage" user. He a rose photo of the letter and the money he found on the vehicle.

The letter they left with the $ 25. Photo: Reddit.
The letter they left with the $ 25. Photo: Reddit.

"Hello, stranger, I realized that you had a fine for parking. I think that a Tuesday is too early for someone's week. start so badly", the anonymous message begins.

"It's only been two days and who knows how bad your Monday was. I hope your week improves now, "concludes the text written last week.

The lucky one explained that he had parked in front of his house with the parking meter payment until 16h, as most fines are at noon, when there are more cars looking for a place

"I got up to go to work the next day and I found the ticket on my windshield"he said.


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