He was sleeping in the car with the window down: he was wearing a 4-meter snake that was trying to escape.


A man sleeping in his car on the public road, the window on the driver's side lowers and a snake coming out, with a good body part in the roof. This is the scene that the firefighters found when arriving at the place where the vehicle was parked.

According to the Denver Fire Department, in the United States, the driver I was drunk and I fell asleep with the car stopped and the window down. The detail: inside was also his snake of more than four meters long.

One of the firefighters with the animal. Photo: Denver firefighters.
One of the firefighters with the animal. Photo: Denver firefighters.

When the animal arrived, it was practically outside the cabin. But there is more: in the car There was also the dog of the man!, reported CBS Denver.

"More adventures with animals for firefighters, this reptilian type", they tweeted in the official report of the Denver Fire Department, where they published the images. Then they specified that the animal "was coming out of the driver's window".

Although they have not provided any information on what happened then with the animalIn conclusion, they warned: "Do not take and drive, especially with his snake pet in the car! "


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