He was to represent Argentina at a World Cup and he remained because of insufficient funds: the story of Tomás Tisocco


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Tomás Tisocco

Tomás Tisocco

Tomás Tisocco he had to raise $ 3,000 to have the opportunity to compete and so get to the next Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, but the Argentine Federation of Tire and the public bodies likely to provide resources, They decided to stay out of the situation and because of that, they will not be able to travel.

"How I am going to participate in the University Games in Italy, had the idea that during my stay in Europe, I had also participated in the World Cup. It was then that I decided to seek funding myself and that did not end, because there were only a few days left to define the place."Said Tisocco minutouno.com.

The athlete had until last Sunday to confirm his presence at the competition of the highest category, He fought until the last moment to get the funds and was unsuccessful.

"I am sad not to be able to represent Argentina at the World Cup this year, but I am still motivated to continue to improve to get better performances for the country."Said the young man, who dreams of being able to represent Argentina at a world cup at some point.

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Tomás Tisocco needed nearly $ 3,000 to represent the country

Tomás Tisocco needed nearly $ 3,000 to represent the country

"I will continue to prepare. I'm always looking for ways to improve all aspects"he said.

A routine with limits that do not suffer

Tomi has a surprising maturity and a very firm north. This is why he does not suffer from certain restrictions in his daily habits, although he leads an unusual life for a boy of his age. Avoid drinking alcohol and going out at night. He also studied electrical engineering.

The workout is loud and intense, since it practices weekly times of 3 to 6 hours. "Basically, this is a first shooting session at the club in the morning. Afternoon, I go to the gym one hour and three days a week, I practice taekwondo."Tisocco counted.

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Tomás Tisocco Photo: Instagram

Tomás Tisocco Photo: Instagram

Like most athletes, The young entreriano also takes care of himself during meals and tries to rest as needed.

Tisocco has been a junior national champion and Pan American finalist and is currently second overall national finalist. On July 3, he will visit Napoli, Italy participate in the University Games and on September 28, he will travel to Brazil to participate in the South American Games.


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