He was too lazy to wait for the vaccine and ended up in an intensive care unit


Photo of the Secretary of Health of Bogotá
Photo of the Secretary of Health of Bogotá

The National Vaccination Plan is progressing positively throughout the country; however, there are still cases of people refusing the vaccine for different reasons. Recently, the Secretary of Health of Bogotá published the testimony of Gloria Isabel Díaz, a woman currently in intensive care for covid-19, after refusing to go for the vaccine.

Through this story, the entity seeks to promote self-care among citizens and that they respect their vaccination appointments. Díaz is a 44-year-old citizen who, although she knows that her turn to be vaccinated in the city was already allowed, this because going to the long queue seemed unnecessary.

Gloria Díaz said that He always had excuses: for the weather, for work reasons, not to get up early to stand in line. These pretexts have taken their toll on me because at the moment I am in a constant struggle with the virus in an intensive care unit, connected to equipment that helps me to breathe artificially because my lungs are affected.”. He added that for several days he was receiving calls, messages and alerts from the Ministry of Health to get the vaccine, but he decided to ignore it.

According to the city’s SecSalud, The woman has been in the intensive care unit at San Blas Hospital, located in the city of San Cristóbal, for more than a week, fighting the coronavirus. He assured the District that he regretted not going to the vaccination post, because maybe now his story would be very different.

If I had been vaccinated in time, I might have avoided everything I am facing right now physically and mentally, due to the coronavirus. It gives me a feeling of helplessness. I believe what helped me get infected was crowds on the streets, neglect or misuse of the mask, among other causes, Also taking into account that all the time I make contact with people, since I have a place that sells baby clothesGloria Isabel explained.

In order to frequent her clothing store, the woman traveled daily on public transport from Rafael Uribe to Kennedy town and looked after customers who came to her work, practices that put citizens at risk of contagion. .

Photo of the Secretary of Health of Bogotá
Photo of the Secretary of Health of Bogotá

When she found out she was infected, she pointed out that It was perhaps she who brought the virus home and who, incidentally, would have infected her father and daughter. However, Díaz’s father already had the full vaccination schedule, which is why the disease did not affect him as much and he was only under observation for two days, the doctors quickly dismissed him.

Even though I was trying to disinfect and everything, I thought it was in my workplace. There were several people who weren’t wearing masks, we can use them, but not them. So most likely it was there because at home I use the protocol a lot because I live with my parents who are elderly and my daughter.“said the woman.

For their part, health professionals from the Central Oriente sub-network specify that, Although the current panorama of intensive care units in Bogotá is encouraging with the progress of the vaccination of citizens, serious cases continue to arrive in medical centers., especially patients who have not been vaccinated or who do not have the complete immunization schedule.

Dr Eliana Parada, hospital doctor at San Blas Hospital, pointed out that there are more patients like Gloria, who now regret not having been vaccinated. “The vaccination had a very big impact. At the moment, we have beds available in our units, but that does not mean that we have to let our guard down, ”he concluded.


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