He went on vacation, took vodka with methanol and was found blind – 21/02/2019


Travel with friends in Greece, in a bar, drink music and listen to vodka that changed the life of Hannah Powell. That happened in August 2016, but two years and a few months later, the British aged 23 he is still suffering the consequences of what happened to him that night.

In dialogue with the BBC, the young woman explained that minutes after taking this last drink he started throwing up. Her friends were also wrong, but she felt exhausted and decided to fall asleep. The next day he opened his eyes and, seeing everything in the dark, he asked one of the girls to draw the curtain. "My friends said they were already open," he recalls. He thought it was a joke, so he got up and turned on the light. "It's there that I panicked, when I realized I could not see anything."

Hannah Powel said she panicked when she realized that she could not see anything.

Hannah Powel said she panicked when she realized that she could not see anything.

She was immediately taken to a hospital in Zakynthos, the island on which they were on vacation, and then transferred to a larger one in mainland Greece. Shocked and confused, she thought she had been kidnapped. "I did not know why I could not see, I thought I had something around my eyes or in the head, I remember answering the phone at something on the phone", a- he declared.

"I thought I had something around my eyes or in my head," said Hannah Powel.

"He told me not to worry, that I was traveling here but that the line was cut off.I remember having hidden the phone under my armpit because I thought that it would be okay for me. they were going to take it. " At the hospital, Hannah managed to understand what had happened to her.

He spent 18 months on dialysis until his mother could donate a kidney.

He spent 18 months on dialysis until his mother could donate a kidney.

Everything was a consequence of that glbad of vodka that he drank at the bar. Experts confirmed that It was a poisoning because the drink contained a high percentage of methanol. His friends had also taken it, but for them the consequences did not go beyond indigestion of the stomach.

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Hannah broke down, her life knowing that she was gone and she now had to adapt to a new reality. He went home and He started treatment for 18 months until his mother could donate a kidney. These had been the most damaged organs and he spent more than one year on dialysis until they could graft him. He had an improvement, but his complete vision is irretrievable.

He had an improvement and could see blurry images.

He had an improvement and could see blurry images.

It's adapted gradually to see blurry images, but it was not easy. "I got up after I forgot that I had lost my sight, I was getting ready to go out and I realized that I could not find my makeup, my iron hair … I opened the shadow box and saw only a black box, while he is full of different colors ".

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"It's those little things … like making a cup of tea, I could not find anything, I stumbled a lot on the stairs, I was fine all day and then I fell once in the stairs and that made me feel bad. " Then he realized that he only had to have a positive attitude and continue despite everything.

The little things of today are big problems for her.

The little things of today are big problems for her.

"My sister was great, she helped me a lot for makeup, she also helped me coordinate my clothes according to the colors, because I can not tell them apart," he said. .

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He added that while it is expensive, he is encouraged to go to the movies: "I go out with my friends, mainly to have tea or go to the movies. I like to go to the movies, sit and see if I can see a little more. "Even though I can not see, while listening, I can understand what is happening in general. "

"I do not want to get used to staying at home," he said.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Hannah has a clear idea, do not give up: "I'm young and Ior I want to get used to staying at home because then I would not be encouraged to leave. "

Methanol, the poison that ruined his life

As for the episode lived in Greece, the young woman explained that it was a common practice among mafias in the region: "Apparently, the mafias prepare it (with methanol vodka) in the forests and they sell it cheaply at the bars, which fill their bottles with that. "

"So if you are a customer, you are thinking of buying a legitimate Smirnoff vodka, but it's not like that. They put it in Smirnoff bottles, real bottles, that's why you have no reason to think that it's not genuine, "he adds.

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"It makes the bars last longer. They should not serve you normally, they can give you a lot less because it is much stronger. But it is very dangerous. "

"No one wants to take responsibility, I did not expect them to do it with me, but I think someone should end that," he said. at the BBC.

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"Either the bar knew I was selling alcohol adulterated, or someone was preparing it, anyway, it had nothing to do with me and I would not have taken it if I had known. "



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