He went to a restaurant, had to pay $ 37.93, and left a tip of 16,000


Employees of a restaurant in New Hampshire, United States, were stunned after a customer ordered food and drink worth $ 37.93 left a tip of 16 thousand.

The event occurred in the Stumble Inn Bar and Grill, about 45 kilometers southeast of Concorde, where the customer, who was not identified, added the generous tip to his order. The man had ordered “two hot dogs with chili, fried pickle chips and cocktails,” the store explains.

“I thought it was a mistake,” confessed Mike Zarella, owner of the restaurant. Michelle McCudden, a local girl, said the client “was kind of a mysterious man.” “I’ve been working on this for a long time and never thought something like this would happen to me,” he said. (Photo: Michael Zarella)

This episode had repercussions after one of the workers shared through his account Facebook a photograph of ticket, which shows the tip of 16 thousand dollars for the staff.

“I believed that it was an error», He confessed Mike Zarella, owner of the restaurant. Michelle mccudden, a local girl, for her part said that the customer “was some kind of mysterious man”. “I have been working for a long time and I never thought something like this would happen to me“, He expressed.

According to McCuden, the man saw the marinated fries go by and said, “Hey, I want one.” When it came time to pay, the girl was surprised and went to speak with the owner of the premises.

the Pay it was done with menu and the employee who accused her did not immediately notice the amount Which side scored; However, before leaving the restaurant, the man told the woman, “Don’t spend it all. of now”.

That night eight people were working in the restaurant and as the staff share all tips, the eight distributed the money in cash and shared it with the cooks.

“We went upstairs and thanked him. It has been a very difficult year for all of us. Someone doing something like this really restored my faith in humanity. He just said that we work very hard and that he wanted to do something good and that he really wanted us to have it, ”concluded McCuden.


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