He went to be vaccinated disguised as Goku and broke him on the networks | the Chronicle


In different countries around the world, various photos of people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in particular or in special ways have gone viral through networks. Specially in Facebook, where it circulates more frequently, even videos that turn out to be viral.

In each health center where the doses are applied, there is a high concentration of people lining up while waiting to be vaccinated.

One of the most peculiar and fun costumes seen on the networks was that of a man who appeared dressed in Goku from Dragon ball Z at a vaccination center in Trujillo, Peru, where they gave him the first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine. Upon arriving at the scene, he was captured by photographer Ivan Orbegoso.

From the image shown, the subject disguised himself in order to encourage the population to attend the centers and to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

In this sense, other unique and fun characters (also posted on Facebook) who also attended a local vaccination was a woman who caused a sensation in the networks by going to the vaccination disguised as a unicorn.

Many users expressed their excitement when seeing this famous character: “Our hero overcame his fear of injections to protect others”; “How brave Goku is, that’s why he’s my idol”. They were some of the user comments.

Thanks to Facebook, the images garnered over 1,000 likes and caused a sensation among internet users on social media.


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