He went to get his daughter from a year and a half to the nursery and discovered that he had more than 25 mouthfuls.


"At first, I was incredulous:" Are these brands really bitten? "And then, my brain stopped thinking and started crying," the mother told Fox News.

"There are more than 25, it's hard to know. 25 the minimum, more or less we come to that number when we talk to"he added.

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Although the case took place on February 26, the family received no response from the authorities of the institution, decided to make it public through their social networks. Bryant reported the case to the Arizona Department of Health Services and drew police attention to the situation so that he could open an investigation.

However, the surveys did not bear the fruits that Bryant expected. For this reason, he decided to publish the images and say the story of what happened on your Facebook account.

"My daughter was in this nursery for only five days when she was injured." I wrote a negligent police report and informed the health services department that accredited the nursery. but the case is still under investigation and after two months there was not a word or the ministry contacted me about some kind of update"said the mother.

"Do not take your kids to Daycare Creative Beginnings Daycare, she is part of an international organization, that of Tucson is accredited by the state.They did not even call for let me know that an incident had occurred.They did not inform me otherwise.They did not say anything when I went to get her. All these brands arrived in one day"

According to a report by July 2018, the daycare service had several shortcomings reported by the authorities: children who did not have registration of entries and exits, a room to change the diapers that did not comply with the regulations, and the staff who did not know how many children were in the clbadrooms.


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