He went to get his hair cut, they cut it too short and now the hairdresser has to pay him $ 271,000 | Curious conviction in India


A court of the India He ordered a hairstylist to pay a model $ 271,000 in damages for a poorly done haircut. The woman said the mistake caused a “serious nervous breakdown”.

The model that made the claim is Aashna Roy. He visited a hair salon at a luxury hotel in New Delhi in 2018 and requested a classic 10cm haircut from the ends, according to a New Delhi consumer court ruling.

“However, to the surprise of the complainant (Aashna Roy), the hairdresser cut the hair leaving only 10cm, which barely reached her shoulders,” the court said.

The court found that because Roy had made a career as a model posing for advertisements for hair products, this haircut caused him “a serious nervous breakdown and trauma.”

The judges said in a decidedly macho tone that “there is no doubt that women are very careful with their hair” and that they “spend considerable sums on keeping it in good condition. They are also emotionally attached to their hair. hair”.

“She lost contracts and suffered a huge loss which completely changed her lifestyle and ended her dream of becoming a model,” the judges argued. The hairdresser can still appeal the sentence.


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