He went to the bathroom and found a huge spider on the wall: “Move in.”


Climb on the wall of a bathroom in Australia, a arthropod drew attention. So much that it ended flight The blinks camera: a woman found a huge spider in her house, but harmless, and took him Pictures for later show them in a Facebook community specializing in the subject.

Cathy cox, who lives in Perth (south-eastern coast of the oceanic country), found the living being of eight legs earlier this month. At the time he came into the group “Australian spider identification page“from the social network:” (…) Is out of the woods, even ifshould relocate it? Just to let you know, the My heart beats wildly thinking of the latter, ”he wrote on March 4.

The post was filled with reactions, more than 1200, and has been shared at least 35 thousand times. A handful of users asked Cox what length arachnid, surprised at their Cut. Then he clarified that the images they zoomed, but that it was still a Women large proportions: “It measures approximately 4.5 cm long. ¡¡¡¡And it’s fast!!!!”, Warning.

Copy. "It came out of the woods, but should I move it?  Just to let you know my heart is racing at the thought of the latter"Cox wrote.  Photo: Cathy Cox.

Copy. “She’s out of the woods, but should I move her?” Just so you know, my heart is racing at the thought of this last one, ”Cox wrote. Photo: Cathy Cox.

At first I thought it was the size of my cat“Said a surfer.” You know what? Múdate. ¡You can stay (N. del R .: The spider) with the house! Another woman joked.

On the other hand, some members of the community made recommendations to remove the animal from there. safe way, without hurting him. For example, they told him that capture with a glass pan lid.

In the end, Cox recounted that he was able to transfer her to another location with the help of a large pot. It is possible that this female is about to take care of her ooteca arachnida The bag: it’s him spherical tank, or the eggs are resting, made with the this that the spider produces with its glands.

Arácnido.  Photo illustrative: Hirvenkürpa, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Holconia_immanis_female.jpg.” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/><br />
<p>Arachnid.  Illustrative photo: Hirvenkürpa, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https: creativecommons.org=, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Holconia_immanis_female.jpg.

Spider data

The specimen, the protagonist of this story, is one of so many species of giant crab spider, also known as wood spider The spider hunter.

“These large, grayish-brown hairy spiders have flattened bodies and are found all over Australia. They prefer to live outside. outdoors under tree bark or under the rocks Yes ground logs. They usually have long legs. (…) “, the Australian Government’s Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development said on its website. agric.wa.gov.au.

They don’t weave spider webs. On the other hand, they have good view Yes they are great hunters: they run towards their prey, their insects and leap about them. Transport poison, But they do not pose a threat for the people. “Although some can cause a painful bite, they are not considered dangerous for humans, ”they sent from the department.

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