He went to the doctor for intense pain in the abdomen: a 5-kilogram tumor was removed. Chronic


A Thai man went to the doctor for abdominal pain and found himself in intensive care, where he discovered a giant tumor lodged in his organs. The patient had to undergo emergency surgery to remove it.

The incident occurred last Saturday in a hospital in Bueng Tang Province, northeast of Thailand.

The 52-year-old patient was admitted to a hospital because of intense internal pain at the waist. Following the medical protocol, the hospital professionals performed a CT scan and discovered that he had a tumor of nearly 5.5 kg, which was affecting part of the liver, of the liver. stomach and small bowel.

The operation lasted 90 minutes (with the kind permission of Los Andes).

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The patient had to undergo a surgical procedure that lasted more than 90 minutes, after which a tissue 35 cm long and 32 cm wide was removed.

After the intervention, the doctor Nuts, senior surgeon at the institution, acknowledged: "The patient was satisfied with the results of the operation and stated that he felt much better, but that he was still suffering from the operation."


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