He went to the doctor for "water" in his ear: he had a toxic spider | Chronic


An American, originally from the state of Missouri, went to the doctor for ear discomfort and found a venomous spider that had taken refuge inside. .

Susie Torres, touched him, woke up on Tuesday when he heard an ear knock, similar to the feeling that you feel when water gets into the ear. He then badumed that it was the effects of an allergy vaccine he had received shortly before. If in doubt, the woman consulted a specialist.

The doctor who treated him examined him inside his ear and said: "I think you have an insect there". Although at that time, they still do not know what it was inside, the woman decided to stay calm.

Here is what the insect looked like from Torres' (Twitter) ear.

After a few minutes and after discussing it with other health professionals, the doctor confirmed his diagnosis: a highly toxic brown hermit spider, also known as a violin spider, had entered his ear.

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The arachnid could be removed and exams showed that he had not bitten him.

The woman said that she did not know how the insect had gotten there and that she was taking new steps to protect herself: "I put cotton balls in my ears, because I do not have ear plugs." He also confessed that he is now feeling an extreme fear with regard to arachnids.

Torres started using cotton to cover his ears (Twitter).


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