He went to the sink and found a giant crocodile | Chronic


A Florida family in the United States found a huge crocodile lying at the bottom of the pool in the garden of his house. An expert managed to remove the animal with special equipment and took him to a farm where he is in perfect health.

A woman went into the garden of her house, went to the pool and found the animal 2.8 meters deep in the water. After being surprised, she immediately called her husband Mike.

The couple needed the help of an expert who, arrived home with a team to pull out a two meter alligator, and seeing the huge three meter crocodile, had to go home and take with you bigger tools.

The professional placed special equipment around the crocodile and after struggling against the huge animal, managed to remove it from the pool and slide it out of the house. There, with the help of neighbors, he put her in a van and transferred her to a farm. The whole procedure has been recorded and published on social networks.


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