He won a Guinness after visiting every country in the world


He won a Guinness after visiting every country in the world

lexie alford (21) has visited 196 countries / web

When American Lexie Alford (21) crossed the North Korean border at the same time last May 31, she put her name on the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest person ever to cross the 196 states. sovereigns of the world.

The young woman said on social networks that she had managed to fulfill her dream since childhood.

Lexie, a family member who owns a travel agency, said on Instagram that "my parents took me out of school for weeks and months every year," a period during which I traveled and studied independently.

The young woman said that parents insisted a lot "to expose me to all lifestyles in the world and this would have a very profound impact on the person I am today".

"I've always been curious about the lifestyle of others and how they find happiness," he said.

from 12 years old

Lexie said that at the age of 12, she had decided to travel around the world, adding tours to 72 countries at the age of 18.

The other 124 arrived later, while the challenge of traveling the world had already been raised.

"Until this became a big challenge, I did not know that I was inspiring others around me, especially young women, I was determined to show that the world does not have a big challenge. is not as sinister as the media shows and that there is goodness everywhere, "he said in an article delivered to Forbes magazine.

The young woman must now provide nearly 10,000 tests to the Guinness World Records organization to document all her destinations and obtain the title.


The countries had visited Lexie when she was 18 years old. Born into a family owning a travel agency, the girl began traveling at the age of 12 to study independently. The last country he visited was North Korea.


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