He won socialism but not enough to govern | Chronic


The electoral tension in Spain has already pbaded, but there are now days of intense negotiations to consolidate the government of Pedro Sánchez and the Socialist Party (PSOE), the most voted. The elections also accompanied an increasingly strong trend in Europe: the advance of the far right that will have deputies for the first time. Sanchez, current president of the government, won the generals with 28.7% of the vote.

However, this figure will not reach him to govern, so he must seek alliances to support his 123 deputies. The Conservative Popular Party (PP) came in second with 16.7% and 66 seats; followed by the Liberals of Ciudadanos (15.9% and 57 seats), Unidas Podemos (14.3% and 42).

The fifth surprise is Vox, which won 10.3% of the vote, 24 MPs, which became the first right-wing party to access the Spanish Congress in nearly 40 years. With these numbers and despite the difference that it took, the PSOE can not form a government, so an alliance with the leftists of Unidas Podemos will be essential for Sanchez to remain in power. Together, they would add 165 MPs.

For its part, the right front formed by the PP, Citizens and Vox adds 147, far from the 176 needed to obtain the absolute majority. "We sent the message that we do not want involution, reaction or regression, we want a country that is moving forward and looking towards the future, it has won the future and lost the past ", said Sanchez, who detailed the "Three goals"From your management:"Advances in social justice, coexistence and harmony, demands an exemplary policy, puts an end to corruption"

For its part, Pablo Casado, referring to the PP, acknowledged that the result of the election was "very bad"So much so that it was the worst historic election of the group.

Thank you to all who trusted the PP and my party for their work. We will lead the opposition with responsibility, we will improve what we have not done well and we will work to convince that this party continues to be a great party to improve the welfare of the country. ;Spanish. pic.twitter.com/R4TID001YQ

– Pablo Casado Blanco (@pablocasado_)
April 28, 2019


The arrival of Vox at the Congress marks a new advance of the far right in Europe. From the party, they badured that they would be a "fortaleza against the impositions of the totalitarians ". "The resistance is already in Congress and they will not stop us "they badured


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