Health Alert in Justice: They denounce that 7 employees contracted tuberculosis – 04/07/2018


The magistrates' guild denounced that at least 7 officials from different courts and ombudsmen were diagnosed with tuberculosis. According to Julio Piumato, head of the Union of Justice Employees of the Nation (UEJN), the workers were reported to have been infected after coming into contact with detainees suffering from the disease. From the Federal Penitentiary Service, they told Clarín that prisoners with this infection were being treated at Muñiz Hospital and that none of them was going to the hospitals. courts.

The first case was known in mid-March. The Commodore Py worker mentioned having contracted tuberculosis during a statement of investigation, according to a statement from the court union. After the opinion of the affected official "the authorities did not even proceed to the disinfection of the court and even decided to believe that the disease had been contracted in a collective". Occurrence of Court No. 43.

Then Three More Cases were Added to the Court No 30. A person was the subject of an investigation that was in a street situation, according to Piumato. "The workers were for 4 hours in a closed environment with someone who said that they had TB," says the union's published text which states that "the big problem is that it is n & # 39; There is no protocol in the House of Among these three employees, there is one person who, because of his advanced age, can not take the medication.A fourth case is that of a staff member. a mediator who was diagnosed with lymph node tuberculosis.

"The remaining two come from a Casanello court man and a Rafecas woman, who were infected at the end of last year and earlier this year but did not air it at that time. Piumato, who badures that a few days ago two charged with scabies and hepatitis were also presented at the courthouse.

  The Comodoro Py Building

The Comodoro Py Building

Juan Ci Cciaro, President of the House of Crime, confirmed to this newspaper that they were dealing with Court No. 43 and no 30. "There is a 43-year-old woman with tuberculosis, who has already returned to work although she has changed her addiction, and three more cases in 30. One of them with a permit, the other two under treatment, "said Cicciaro, adding that" the relevant disinfection was done in both offices and that on the basis of this situation, they have recommendations from the Finally, he explained that prisoners arriving at Unit 28 of the courthouse are controlled by a doctor. "Yes The Federal Prison Service (SPF) stated that they had been contacted a month ago after that. A court employee who had been diagnosed with tuberculosis said that he had been infected after have investigated the disease. an inmate from Devotee Prison with the disease. "The detainee stated that he had tuberculosis but we checked his medical history and it was not like that, that person was released later," the sources added.

They also reported that until this year they detected 20 cases of people arrested with tuberculosis. "Nearly 50% of cases involved new incomes.According to the protocol they are housed in unit 21 of Muñiz Hospital, where they receive care for those who have infectious or contagious conditions, "they said, checking the people who had been studied in Comodoro Py and confirmed that none of them had the disease. In this same line, they pointed out that there are no prison officers with tuberculosis

From the public school of lawyers of the federal capital, expressed by a statement "their deep pr before the verification of cases of tuberculosis in the judiciary and especially rumors that they would be the product of contagion of prisoners. "In this sense, it is that they deemed necessary the intervention of the competent authorities to" prevent the spread of a disease that has been almost eradicated. "

As you can read, last Friday was held a meeting at which attended representatives of the Judicial Council, members of the Justice Union and the Department of Preventive Medicine to advance on the promotion of preventive measures and investigation of the state of health of workers at the carrying out of tests.

It is caused by the bacillus of Koch, a bacterium transmitted mainly by the inhalation of droplets that come off while coughing and speaking.According to the World Health Organization, people held in prisons are part of a vulnerable population, far more exposed to the disease.

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