Health asked for an “emergency authorization” from Sputnik V – News


The objective is to speed up the administrative procedures given the gravity of the global epidemiological situation and to try to avoid the “second wave” of coronavirus cases.

ANMAT has the power to grant emergency authorization for vaccines or drugs in the event of exceptional health situations, such as that experienced with the Covid-19 pandemic.

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The body led by Manuel Limeres You have 30 days to set the order, similar to that made by different governments, like US and UK.

The emergency authorization request formulated by the Ministry of Health was given a few days before the secretary for access to health, Carla Vizzotti, lead an official mission in Russia.

With Vizzotti, Presidential Advisor Cecilia Nicolini and four technicians from ANMAT traveled, who throughout the past week visited the facilities of the National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Nikolay Gamaleya.


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