Health collapse in southern Brazil | Bolsonaro h …


The health crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic intensified on Wednesday in Brazil with the lack of intensive care beds in almost all states of the country. The most affected for the collapse are Parana, Santa Catarina Yes Rio Grande do Sul. The population of these regions is predominantly Bolsonaristas and has refused to adhere to quarantines en masse to stop infections. The three Brazilian states border the provinces of Corrientes and Misiones in Argentina.

Brazil added 1972 new deaths due to covid-19 In last 24 hours -a record since the start of the pandemic last year- and more than 70 thousand new infections, as detected in the latest daily report from the Ministry of Health. The health experts attribute it to the effect of the P1 variant which emerged last November in Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas.

“Today we will probably have 2,000 dead in one day. We need national coordination. If the national government doesn’t assume Congress is doing it,” warned Joao Gabbardo, former deputy health minister of Bolsonaro and current coordinator of the Covid-19 committee of the governor of São Paulo, Joao Doria.

The government of President Jair Bolsonaro has sent an emergency letter to China in which it alerts the Asian country to the lack of vaccines in Brazil. They also ask for the sale of 30 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine, made in China.

On the other hand, regional and municipal governments they reimplemented restrictions and social distancing measures. Almost the entire country is under a nighttime curfewIn the most populous states, businesses are closed and only essential activities are allowed. With these measures, the authorities are trying to prevent the total collapse of hospitals. Something that’s about to happen, according to the latest newsletter from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), one of the most important research centers. From Fiocruz they attribute

According to the latest data published by Fiocruz, 25 of the 27 regional capitals of Brazil have an occupancy rate of their intensive care units above 80%. While in 15 of these cities, they register a rate higher than 90%.

São Paulo is the most affected state in the whole country. It also has the largest number of inhabitants with 46 million inhabitants. Even with the quarantine that began last Friday, a total of 13 from the municipalities in the Great Saint Paul they have collapsed the whole health system. While the the occupancy rate of intensive care units is over 80%. In the state of Weather in Santa Cantarina they have suspended the transfer of patients without beds to the state of Espirito Santo that had been offered to them last week. However, your hospital system is also under maximum pressure.

The health crisis in Brazil has reached its deadliest period since the start of the pandemic. As of Wednesday last week 1,910 people died from covid-19, so far it was the day with the most deaths. In the following days, the figure did not drop below a thousand deaths and reached a new record with 1,972 deaths recorded on Tuesday. Brazil is the second country with the most deaths from the coronavirus with a total of 268,370 deaths. It is also the third country in the world with the highest number of infections with more than 11 million people infected.


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